Texas Wildfire (Texas Heroes Book 1) Read online

Page 6

  “Not a chance.” Titan gathered her close. “I ran into him coming up the drive here. You’re right, the man is seriously deranged.” Glancing down at her bare feet, he said, “Put your shoes on, you’re going to go down to the Sheriff’s office and give a statement. They just picked Damien up and hauled him off to jail.”

  “What?” Her heart leapt into her throat.

  “You’re pressing charges.” He wasn’t asking. “It’s time this idiot paid for his crimes.”

  “Oh, God.” Makenna swayed on her feet and Titan caught her by the arms, steadying her. “He’ll kill me for this.”

  “No, he won’t.” Titan seemed very sure of what he was saying. “To get to you, he’s going to have to go through me. And that will never happen. I promise.”

  Makenna put on her shoes, then let him lead her out. “Will they believe me?”

  “There’ll have to be an investigation, but the way he treated you…” Titan set her in the passenger seat of his truck, buckling her safely inside. “A man who would hurt a woman, especially one like you, would do anything.”

  Makenna found herself shaking. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” She was thinking out loud. For so long she’d been dependent on Damien for everything.

  Like he had the right, Titan trailed his fingers lightly down her arm. He was touching her, even if it was in the most innocent way possible. “Don’t worry about anything. Okay? I’ll take care of you. Keeping you safe is the most important thing.”

  Makenna looked up into his face. This might not be the time, but she needed to know. “What did you mean at the hospital when you said ‘this wasn’t going to work’? Did I offend you by coming to check on you?”

  “God no,” Titan blurted out. “Not at all. I was trying to tell you that being around you and…not being able to touch you or tell you how I feel is…impossible.” She was gazing up at him with such expectation that he couldn’t resist. “Maybe I shouldn’t…if you don’t want me to do this, stop me now.” All the while he was speaking, his eyes were darting between her gaze to her full vulnerable mouth. When she did nothing to deter him, he uttered a slightly muffled curse, lowering his head until his mouth grazed hers—soft, not demanding.

  Makenna’s sole experience with the opposite sex was Damien. So, her whole body went rigid as Titan’s lips touched hers. Her body didn’t know what to expect. She’d wanted this man for so long. But Titan was big and powerful, and she’d never known gentleness from a man. Part of her wanted to flee and part of her wanted to cling to him. With every bit of strength she had, Makenna forced herself to wait, to give herself a chance to experience what she’d been missing with the one man she wanted it from the most.

  Titan nuzzled and kissed her ripe generous mouth. Mindful of Makenna’s injury, he took his time, moving his strong hands to cup her face tenderly, finally giving himself free rein to do something he’d been dreaming of doing for years. When she shifted in his arms, he thought she was about to move away. Instead, she demanded more, placing a hand around his neck, melting against him with a sigh as her own mouth explored his.

  Makenna’s spirit soared. She craved this man so much she ached with the wanting. Taking the risk, she’d opened herself to him and been rewarded with the ardent attention of someone who wanted to give her pleasure not pain. When she moaned into his mouth, he deepened the kiss and she felt like she was being consumed. It had been so long since she’d been kissed, but this was well worth waiting for.

  Too soon it was over. Titan pulled back, breathing hard and Makenna let him go. He looked…confused. She felt self-conscious. “I guess we should go.”

  As if coming out of a trance, he shook his head. “Yea, but I want to resume this…conversation when we’re finished.” Titan went around to his side of the truck and got in. Once he’d shut the door, he cranked the engine. “Don’t worry. This thing with Damien ends here. Tonight.”

  Makenna placed her trust in him. So long she’d lived fearing the next time she’d piss Damien off. The idea that his reign of terror over her might come to an end was heady. “I’m ready.” If Titan was with her, nothing was impossible.

  * * *

  Chaos was the best term for what the rest of the evening held. Titan escorted Makenna down to the Sheriff’s office and stayed with her while she told her story. Sheriff Deric Connor was a newcomer, so he listened patiently unlike some members of his department who looked at her with suspicion, apparently doubting that Damien could do such a thing.

  Makenna was taken to a private room where a female deputy took her statement. “Were you raped?” she asked gently.

  “No.” Not this time, she wanted to add. Makenna looked to the side, knowing this was necessary but hating every minute of it. The woman took photograph after photograph, especially of her cheek. When one of the images was enlarged, there was even a clear outline of Damien’s college ring. “Is all of this necessary?” she asked, anxious to leave.

  “Yes, ma’am,” the deputy answered. “We also need to extract anything that’s underneath your fingernails. All of this will go a long way to making sure this man pays for his crimes and doesn’t get out to do it again anytime soon.”

  Being led from room to room, letting them gather their evidence and ask additional questions took more time than she would have imagined. Makenna couldn’t help but wonder if Titan was still around or if he’d given up and gone home. Her concern was for naught, for when she was finally led to the waiting area, he was right there waiting for her. When he saw her, Titan jumped to his feet. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m okay.” She moved toward him. Her body was sore from the beating and nerves. “I’m ready to leave.”

  Titan looked toward the Sheriff. “Can I take her home now? She needs to rest.”

  Deric Conner placed a hand on his hip and let out a long breath. “Wade’s being processed and interrogated. He wanted to press charges against you.” He motioned to Titan. “But I think I talked him out of that situation, considering everything.”

  “I appreciate that.” Titan put his arm around Makenna.

  “The accusations about the fires have been logged. We’ll question him on that matter but until some form of evidence has been found, they’re just allegations.” Conner looked pensive. “Until then, we’ll deal with the assault and battery charge.”

  “I understand.” Makenna nodded. She hadn’t expected them to just take her word for the arson accusations.

  As they walked out into the parking lot, he held her tight, supporting her every step of the way. “Do you need anything to eat or drink?”

  “Maybe when I get home.” She looked at him hopefully, drawing strength from his presence.

  “You got it,” he promised. Truthfully, Titan’s head was spinning. He felt like he was watching his life through some type of funhouse mirror. One reflection showed his dreams coming true while another was full of distorted images, what he’d thought was real now seemed shattered and warped.

  Feeling weak and lightheaded, Makenna leaned into him. “What have I done?”

  “You did what you had to do.” And so did Titan. He kissed her on the temple. “He had to be stopped. He would’ve eventually killed you or someone else.” Titan shuddered at the thought.

  When she was in his truck, Makenna felt a growing sense of panic. “I don’t want to go back to that house. Maybe you could take me to a motel?”

  “Makenna…” Titan started to just blurt out how he felt. The kiss they’d shared had to mean something, right? His common sense warred with his growing desire for her. Finally, his sense of propriety won out. He’d hold his piece for now. But that didn’t mean he was letting her be alone tonight. “Makenna,” he began again, “I tell you what, let’s go by your house and get whatever you need and you come spend the night with me.” At her wide-eyed look, he clarified. “In my spare room. I’ll feel better if you’re with me.”

  Makenna let out a long heartfelt sigh. “Thank you.” For the first ti
me in a long time she felt safe.

  * * *

  Driving up to Titan’s home, Makenna let herself enjoy the view. Many times she’d passed by the gate leading to his ranch and wished she had a reason to enter. If she wasn’t careful, she’d be wanting to move in and stake a claim on this man with whom she’d shared only one kiss.

  As he parked, she studied the home where she’d been invited to spend the night. The structure was sturdy and well-built like its owner, able to weather any wind or storm that might arise. And the man who came around to help her out was looking at her with an expression she’d seen so few times that Makenna almost wasn’t able to define it. Tenderness. Gentleness. Concern. She shivered, chill bumps dancing over her entire body.

  When he came around to help her out, he opened the door and held out his arms and she slowly slid into them. “Thank you. I appreciate all you’re doing for me.”

  “Shhhh, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Titan guided her up on the porch and held the door open. “Head to the kitchen and I’ll fix you a sandwich. I know you have to be worn out. I also want to put a little more medicine on that cut before you go to bed.”

  Hearing Titan use the word ‘bed’ set off a whole new round of shaking. “I don’t know if I can eat anything.”

  “Sure you can, I don’t want to eat alone and I’m starving.” He settled her down at the round oak table flanked by ladder back chairs. The kitchen was clean and modern with granite counter tops and oak cabinets. She felt at home. “Ham and cheese okay?” he asked as he began to cut the meat into thin slices.

  Makenna jerked her head up at his words. She’d been mesmerized watching his hands and strong forearms flex as he worked. The man was too sexy for words. “Yes, sounds good.”

  Titan cleared his throat. Hell, one would think he was a wet-behind-the-ears teenager on his first date. Once he’d prepared their quick meal, adding chips and a cold drink, he set a plate in front of her and sat down across the table. As he watched her take a bite, she winced. The bruise on her cheek was darkening. “Do you want something for the pain?”

  “No, I’m good.” She felt shy, unsure of what to say or do. Finally, she sighed. “I bet you think I’m pretty stupid.”

  Titan’s fingers froze halfway to his mouth. “No.” He was emphatic. “I think you’re amazing. You survived something few women could. You strived for a normal life despite impossible odds and you tried to protect others by putting up with danger yourself.”

  Makenna ate a chip and took a drink of cola. “You make me sound brave, which wasn’t true. I was a coward.” Needing to get some things off her chest, she took a deep breath and began to talk. “I met him when I was in college at Texas Christian. He was a firefighter in a neighboring town. I was young and…foolish. I let him sweep me off my feet and ignored all the signs.”

  “What signs?” Titan asked, wanting to understand.

  “He blamed others for everything. The women he dated before me were bitchy and didn’t understand him. Everyone else was to blame for his negative attitude and bad luck. He had a way of complimenting me even as he blamed someone else. I fell for it,” she admitted sadly. “What I didn’t realize is that the law of blame goes to the closest person, and soon that was me.”

  “I’ve noticed that a little bit at the station. He’s never at fault no matter what goes wrong.”

  “True and he resents anyone or anything that doesn’t put him first. I’ve heard him complain about things not being fair more times than I can count. He was concerned about his rights, but never about mine. He felt like he was entitled and superior. In the beginning I saw that as manliness when it was really childishness. Damien was petty, sarcastic and deceitful.” Makenna stared at her folded hands. “I rue the day I ever agreed to go out with him.”

  Titan covered her hand with his. “I hate you’ve been hurt. The only silver lining I can see is that he brought you here.” Every inclination he possessed urged him to pick her up and take her to bed. But that would be a mistake. She’d been hurt and the last thing she needed was a man rushing her into anything. When he saw her hide a yawn, he stood. “Let’s get you settled.”

  Almost choking on her last sip of drink, Makenna rose to follow. “I am tired.” Even though she knew he was escorting her to the spare room, she couldn’t ignore how momentous it was to be here with him. The idea of having sex with any man ought to give her pause. Perhaps it was all in her mind, but she just knew Titan would be different. He’d never hurt her. She believed this with every fiber of her being.

  Placing an arm around her shoulders, he guided her to the room next to his, found a T-shirt for her to wear to bed and left her alone to freshen up in the bathroom. Once she was out, he helped her ready the bed. Titan tried not to notice how sexy she was with the hem of his UT football jersey hitting her below the knees, her prominent nipples poking through the soft material, making his mouth water. Once she was under the covers, he was tempted to give her a goodnight kiss.

  “Will you stay in here, just for a little while?” She pointed to the chair next to the bed. “Will you sit with me?”

  “Oh, sure.” For a minute he’d almost thought she was inviting him into her bed. Wishful thinking.

  Makenna curled up in the bed, pulling the sheet up to her chin. She had to keep her hands covered or she would’ve reached for him. Could he tell she was trembling for him? Just knowing she was this close, within touching distance had every nerve tingling and her nipples swollen to throbbing points, aching for him to take them in his mouth and suck on them. That was one of her dearest fantasies. “Whew!” She sighed, fanning the covers.

  Titan laughed. “You’re too young to be having a hot flash. Let me turn the air down.”

  He got up to see about the temperature and she fanned the covers some more. He just didn’t realize her hot flash was caused by arousal and not the reading on the thermostat. What kind of woman was she? She’d been abused by one man today and here she was, lusting after another. Of course, Makenna knew her body’s bravado was due in part to the fact she was safe. No matter how much she fantasized about Titan touching her, he wouldn’t lay a finger on her unless she invited him to. That knowledge gave her mind free rein to wander in erotic directions she’d probably never be brave enough to explore. “If you don’t want to stay in here with me, you don’t have to.” There, she was giving him an out. “I’ll probably lie here awake for hours.”

  Titan sat down beside her, crossing one booted foot over his knee. “I’ll sit right here till you go to sleep.”

  “Okay, suit yourself.” Makenna nestled down in the covers, turning on her side to face him. She closed her eyes—mostly—peeking at him through her lashes. This was so unreal. Last night and every other night before she’d been scared to sleep, afraid Damien would drag her out of bed to punish her for some infraction or the other. And tonight…tonight she had a real honest-to-God flesh and blood hero guarding her while she slept. Letting out a long breath, she sent up a prayer of thankfulness.

  Titan couldn’t take his eyes off of her. How amazing to have the object of his desire under his roof. He longed to crawl under the covers, put his arms around her and make her his—and that would come. Tonight, though, he would give her what she needed and that was a good night’s rest in a place where she knew no fear.

  Apparently she was more tired than she thought, because in a few minutes her eyes closed and her breathing evened out. Titan sat there for another hour, just enjoying watching her sleep.

  Also, it seemed like he was forgetting something. A lost thought kept pulling at his brain. What could it be?

  Hours later, Titan woke with a crick in his neck. He’d slept in the chair next to Makenna. His pager was set on vibrate and the rhythmic movement against his thigh caused him to open his eyes to an unbelievable sight. During the night, Makenna must’ve grown warm again, for she’d kicked the covers clean off. To make matters even more enticing, the jersey she wore had ridden up almost to her waist and
he could see a passel of sweet curves and smooth skin. The panties she wore did little to conceal the treasure they covered and her legs were spread enough that he could’ve slipped his hand right where it longed to be. Damn! His cock was as hard as steel!

  For just a moment, he stood over her, wishing he had the right to claim her. The only thing that bothered him were the bruises he saw and they were still prominently visible. He vowed at that moment to protect her. Damien Wade would never lay a hand on her again. He didn’t tug down her shirt, but he did pull the sheet up and over her. And to satisfy himself, he leaned over and gently kissed her cheek. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Only then did he look at his pager. “Hell!” he whispered. There was a wreck out on FM 32 and they needed the ‘jaws of life’ to extract some of the victims. He only took time to use the bathroom, a shower would have to wait. At least he was still dressed. Grabbing his keys, he headed out the door.

  * * *

  An hour and a half later, Makenna awoke to the ringing of a telephone—an insistent ringing of a telephone. Startled, she called out for Titan, but there was no answer. Thinking it could be an emergency, she got up and padded out of the room till she found a landline phone in a place that appeared to be his study. There was a neat desk and a bookshelf filled with journals of some sort. “Hello, Sloan residence.”

  “Who the hell is this?” a shrill female voice screamed in her ear.

  The caller’s attitude didn’t exactly encourage Makenna to be forthcoming with information. “Who is this?” she asked right back.

  “This is Tammie Woods. You tell that fickle son-of-a-bitch Titan Sloan that he stood me up for our date last night. I don’t put up with crap like that. If he wants to see me again, he’ll have to learn some manners. I don’t know who you are, but I hope you were worth it—because he sure as hell missed out on a hot time with me!”

  “I’ll let him know,” Makenna spoke calmly. Before she hung up, a little streak of rebellion took over. “And I was worth it, by the way.”