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Texas Wildfire (Texas Heroes Book 1) Page 5
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Page 5
He sat until the end, then signed the paperwork and collected his check. Once he was in his truck, Titan backed the gooseneck toward the road carefully. People were parked any which way, so maneuvering out of the lot was like threading a needle. As he left, he saw Dallas approaching in his Jeep, a fishing pole sticking out the back. Titan waved, laughing at the goofy expression on his friend’s face as he responded with an uplifted thumb. Making a left turn, he started back through town. Dallas looked to be headed toward Canyon Lake, so Titan would be behind him most of the way. Flipping on his radio, Titan settled back, propping his arm on the open window and listened to the strains of a song called Crazy recorded by Willie Nelson in the ‘60s. The tune was old, but the sentiment applied to him. He was crazy for wanting Makenna.
As the fiddle whined and Willie’s voice crooned, Titan let the breeze blow in his face. He wondered how Makenna was doing. What if he were to call to see about her? He knew Damien was at the station, his truck had been there when he’d passed going to the auction barn. Today was one of the scheduled days for the water tanks on the pumper trucks to be filled. Trying to muster up some guilt, he failed to do so. Resolved to check on her, he pulled out his phone and dialed the number.
“Hello?” He heard her tentative voice.
“Makenna, how are you feeling? This is Titan.”
She removed the phone from her ear and stared at the display. It did say Titan Sloan in big letters. Putting the receiver back to her ear, she asked, “Titan, what’s wrong?” Hearing from him was so unexpected, she had no idea what to think.
Titan had to smile, she sounded so shocked. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m calling to make sure you’re okay.”
Makenna’s heart started to pound. “Thank you. I’m…fine.”
“Are you sure?” The timbre of his voice lowered to almost a growl. “You’d tell me the truth, wouldn’t you?” He didn’t wait for her to say more. “If you ever need anything, if you ever need me, all you have to do is ask. Just say the word and I’ll be there. Do you hear me?” He waited a long minute for her to respond.
“Yes, all right. I will.”
Did he hear her voice hitch? “Okay, well…” He didn’t know what else to say. “Take care of yourself.”
“You too,” she whispered. “Goodbye.” After he’d hung up the phone, she cradled the phone to her breast and cried.
Titan wasn’t satisfied, but he didn’t know what else to do. Turning on the ranch road, he got a whiff of smoke. Slowing down, he tried to figure out what he was sensing. There were farms and houses scattered along both sides of the road. The smoke could be coming from anything—be it a burn barrel or a grass fire. But since there was a burn ban in effect, he needed to make sure.
And then he saw it. Two people were standing outside of Allie Langston’s place, frantically beating on the door while smoke and flames could be seen shooting out of several windows on the north side of the house. Titan remembered Allie. She was new in town, one of Makenna’s friends. He’d met her at the calendar shoot. Whipping over so fast that he was afraid for a moment he’d overturn his trailer, Titan jammed on his brakes and jumped out. Apparently watching in his rear-view mirror, Dallas whipped around and pulled in behind him. Together they ran for the door.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, bounding up the steps to the porch.
Two neighbors, both elderly, were frantically trying to find a way in the house. “We think Allie’s inside and every door seems to be locked. We weren’t able to crawl through any of the windows,” they said apologetically.
“We’ll handle it,” Titan assured them. “Check the back,” he told Dallas, then he began trying to push open the door. “Stand back.” Titan rammed the piece of wood with his big body, shoulder first. It never really had a chance, cracking and splintering under the immense pressure. “I’m in!” he yelled at Dallas. “Did you call in the fire?” he asked anyone who was listening as he walked through the smoke filled room.
“Yes,” the couple yelled from outside the door. “But no one’s come yet.”
“My pager didn’t go off. Did yours?” Titan asked Dallas.
“No,” his friend answered, following along behind him. “You take the upstairs and I’ll look around down here. There might not be anybody home.”
“Okay.” Titan had a funny feeling. Something wasn’t right. But there was no time to check the details. Right now he had to make sure there was no one in danger. The smoke was thick and acrid. He grabbed a handkerchief from his back pocket to hold over his nose. When he arrived at the top of the stairs, he could feel the heat and hear the sizzle and pop of the fire. Quickly, he began checking rooms, finding them all empty until he came to the one on the end. Once he’d fought his way through the suffocating fog, he found the young woman lying motionlessly on the floor near the door. The curtains on the far side of the room were on fire. “Miss?” he asked, receiving no answer. Wasting no time, he picked her up and started out, noting that the heat was more intense overhead. The fire was also in the attic. Just as he started through the door back out into the hall, the ceiling collapsed, a beam narrowly missing him and the woman he carried. “Dallas!” he yelled. “I have one!”
Dallas met him at the foot of the stairs. “There’s no one else in the house. Let’s get out of here. An ambulance is on the way and I hear sirens. Someone’s responding to our call.”
Outside, Titan settled Allie Langston to the ground while her neighbors gathered around. “Is she all right?”
Titan checked her breathing—she wasn’t. Immediately he began administering CPR and he did so till she arched, coughing and gasping for breath. About that time Owen and his partner came around with a stretcher and the fire truck pulled up. Hotshot and Damien were out and unwinding the hose within seconds. “Is she alive?” the Captain yelled, looking over his shoulder.
“Yes, she is. She’s breathing,” he assured him, heading to the truck to find his gear. Once he was suited up, Titan headed back into the fray and fought till the fire was extinguished. As blazes went, it had been fairly contained. Faulty wiring, probably, was his thinking but the investigators and the Fire Marshal would make that final determination. He’d done his job. No one would die today.
After he’d finished filling out the paperwork, Titan returned to Skyview to put up his trailer and tack up a few strands of barb wire on the fence next to the highway. After a crazy day like today, all Titan wanted to do was relax in front of the TV or prop his feet up on the front porch and cool off with a nice glass of wine. But that wasn’t meant to be—no, the night had arrived for his date with Tammie and he wasn’t looking forward to it at all. As he brushed down Valiant, he could admit he’d rather binge-watch Breaking Bad or catch a little porn. He needed to jackoff in the worst way. He couldn’t help but smile. He was hopeless. He’d rather watch a porn and let the woman’s face morph into Makenna’s than go out with someone else.
As if he’d conjured her voice from thin air, Titan heard Makenna calling his name. Dropping the curry comb, he closed the stall gate and ran out into the night, finding her coming toward him, a small pale figure barely visible in the moonlight. “Makenna?” He could hear her sobbing. “Baby, what is it?” He went to meet her, the endearment slipping out as naturally as rain fell from the sky.
“I came to tell you…help.” As soon as he reached her, grabbing for her, she collapsed in his arms.
“Oh, sweet God,” he prayed. “What happened?” Titan swept her up close to him and hurried toward the house. “Are you hurt?” When she winced as he held her close, he cursed. “Fuck! You are hurt.” He took the steps up to the porch two by two. “Did Damien do this?” He steadied her on his thigh as he opened the door. “Let me get you in here and look at you.” It never dawned on him he wasn’t giving her a chance to answer his questions. A few short days ago, this scenario would’ve seemed impossible to him, but after what he’d seen and heard at their home a fe
w days ago, he would believe anything.
Makenna clung to him. She was at the end of her rope. And so tired, so very tired. “I couldn’t take it anymore,” she whispered as he placed her on the sofa and turned on the overhead light. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I had to come.”
Going to his knees next to her, Titan assured her. “You came right where you were supposed to.” He was speaking, but his attention was solely on her face. Her poor battered little face. There was a darkening fist print on her cheek and her lip was bloody. “Did Damien do this?” he asked again.
Instead of answering, she merely nodded ‘yes’.
“I’m going to kill the bastard for this.” She was so tiny, so vulnerable. How had she survived living with the sadistic psycho? He felt sick to his stomach.
“No, no.” She grabbed his hand and Titan’s gut clenched. Was she going to defend him?
“He’ll hurt you.” Makenna’s violet eyes were bright with tears. “You don’t know him. He’s vicious.”
His protective instincts welled up inside of him like a font. Cupping her cheek tenderly, he growled, “I’d like to see him try.” Standing, he felt in his pocket. “Yea, I’ve got my keys. I’m going to take you to the doctor,” he said as he bent to pick her up again.
“No, please, I don’t need to go.” She held up her hand. “Nothing’s broken.”
“How do you know?” Adrenaline was rushing through his body so fast that it felt like his veins were on fire.
A look of shame crossed her face. “Because I’m familiar with the feeling.”
“Fuck!” Titan wheeled and left the room.
“Where are you going?” Makenna called. “Don’t leave. I need to explain.” God, she sounded pitiful.
“Just getting something to clean you up with.” Titan went to the bathroom, took the first aid kit from under the vanity and warmed a washcloth in hot water. “The doctor wasn’t kidding the other day, was he? You’ve had broken bones.” Agony pierced his heart as the reality of the situation seeped into his brain. Now so many things made sense—Damien’s neglect, his ignoring of Makenna, Wade’s halfway snide comments.
There was silence for a few heartbeats before she finally answered, “Yes.”
A knot formed in Titan’s throat. His hands shook as he squatted by her. “Why?” The simple question was all he could manage to mutter as he began to gently wipe her face. How many times had he imagined touching her this way? But he never dreamed it would be under these circumstances.
“Why did he do it or why did I allow him to get away with it?” Both were legitimate questions. Makenna closed her eyes. Titan was too close, too overpowering, too amazing for her to be able to concentrate on an answer and look at him at the same time.
“Yea, why?” Titan murmured as he wiped the blood from her lip with a tender touch. God, he wanted to kiss her so much. But he couldn’t, not until he figured out what the hell was going on and why she had chosen to run to him.
As he pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear so he could see her more clearly, she instinctively turned her face so she could nestle against his palm like a kitten wanting to be petted. “Damien is a bully. He hits to make himself feel good, feel powerful.” She hissed when he put ointment on her lip.
“How long has he been abusing you?” Titan just came right out and said what he was thinking, no use beating around the bush now.
“From the beginning,” she whispered. “I hate him.”
Fuck! Titan bowed his head, every muscle in his body tightening. “Then why are you still there? Why didn’t you tell me about this a long time ago? You must’ve…” He stopped mid-sentence, needing to calm down.
Makenna searched his face, trying to determine what she could say. “He threatened to hurt me and other people if I left or if I told. He killed our dog in front of me to prove it to me.” She licked her lip where it burned. Taking a deep breath, she added, “When he started hitting me this time, I didn’t think he was going to stop.”
Titan froze. He thought he was prepared to hear what she had to say. To think she was abused was horrible, almost unbearable. This had been happening under his nose to someone he had deep feelings for. He was sworn to protect, to save—and he’d failed to protect the one person he cherished the most. This was something he could barely process. “Where is he?”
Makenna wiped tears from her eyes. “I don’t know. He left. He told me to clean myself up before he got back.”
Standing, he gave her one more look. “I’m going to lock the door, you stay here. You’re safe.” Bending, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “I’ll be back.”
“Titan, what are you doing?” Makenna tried to sit up.
“Doing something I should’ve done a long time ago.”
“No! I need to explain.” Makenna pleaded with him. He stopped in his tracks, the sheer agony in her voice taking him by surprise. “He’s much more dangerous than you think he is. Damien set fire to Allie’s house, I know he did. When I went to the hospital to check on her, after I heard the commotion on the scanner, he showed up right after I got there. He knew I’d go. I was able to see her, but he stood by us the entire time so we were never alone. She told us what she could remember. She’d been downstairs when she smelled smoke and when she went upstairs to check, she found just her curtains in flames.” Makenna looked Titan straight in the eye. “The curtains on all three separate windows were on fire. Allie said she tried to put them out, but she couldn’t. The smoke got to be too much. As she was talking to me, Damien was staring at me with this evil smirk on his face. He did it. He warned me he would punish those I cared about if I didn’t obey him explicitly.”
Titan stared at her in pure shock. “You think Wade started the fire?”
“Yes, I do.”
“What did you do that deserved punishment?” He was frowning, trying to comprehend.
Makenna covered her face with her hands, she was so ashamed. “He warned me if I told anyone about the abuse, or anything about him that he’d punish me and anyone who tried to help me. He threatened people I care about. Damien figured out it was you who came to the house the other night, when you broke down the door. The hospital called to make sure you delivered my phone. He’ll be after you next.”
“I’d like to see the asshole try!”
Makenna knew he probably thought she was crazy. She dashed tears from her eyes, then sat up. “I just wanted to let you know, to warn you so you’ll be on the look-out. I need to get back over there before he realizes I’m gone.”
“There’s no fuckin’ way in hell you’re going back over there.” Rage filled him. “You just wait here. I’ll lock the door behind me.”
He could hear her calling his name as he left the house, but Titan couldn’t put this off a moment longer. Yanking his truck door open, he jumped in, cranked the engine and gunned it out of the yard. He hadn’t gotten to the end of the driveway near the barn before he saw Wade stalking through the field, coming out of the shadows like some menacing beast. He’d followed the same path across the pasture as Makenna.
Slamming on his breaks, Titan got out to meet him. “Looking for somebody, asshole?” Every muscle in his body was tensed. He was ready to attack.
“Yea, I’m looking for my wife.” Wade kept coming toward him like a charging bull. “Is she here, you nosy bastard?” When Titan didn’t answer, he kept yelling. “My wife is nothing to you!”
“That’s where you’re wrong. I won’t insult her by call her your wife, but Makenna is everything to me.” Titan lunged at him. The idiot didn’t even know what hit him. Wade wasn’t a small man, but he was no match for Titan Sloan. Grabbing him by his collar, he picked the Captain up and slammed him into the side of the barn. “How does it feel, motherfucker? To have someone bigger shake you like a ragdoll? You’re just a wife-beating piece of trash.”
“Get off me!” Damien tried to fight back. “None of this was any of your business. I’ll make you r
egret the day you interfered!”
Titan held him about a foot off the ground with one hand, collaring him around the throat. He drew back his fist, but before he hit Wade’s ugly face, he wanted him to know exactly why. “I’m here to fight for a beautiful woman who can’t fight for herself. If you want to beat up on someone, you bastard, beat up on me.” He let his fist fly. “If you can…”
During the next few moments, Titan fought Damien Wade. The man was furious, his adrenaline was running high. If he could have, Titan knew Wade would’ve killed him. To think this freak’s strength had been pitted against Makenna’s small body infuriated Titan. To put it succinctly, before he was through, Titan beat the shit out of Captain Wade.
When he was finished, he pulled out his cell and called the cops. “I need to report a crime.”
* * *
Makenna was worried about Titan. She stood at the window and stared out into the dark night. Titan had gone to confront Damien. She knew that with every ounce of her being. And she was scared to death. Damien would be no match for Titan, of course. The only problem was that Damien didn’t fight fair. If the demonic bastard she was married to hurt Titan, she would never forgive herself. She felt in the pockets of her jeans, but she didn’t have her phone with her. Looking around, she searched for a landline to call Titan when she heard the roar of an engine. Returning to the window, she was relieved to see him striding up to the door. His shirt was ripped. Throwing the door open, she couldn’t hold back the question, “Titan, did he hurt you?”