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Only Heaven Knows Page 14
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Page 14
“They’re being careful,” he explained to Bryn. “I’ve learned a little more information, though. The well is probably a hundred years old. Our family didn’t even know it was there. Water must’ve eroded the thin layer of topsoil covering the opening and when the bull calf stepped on the rotten boards, it fell through. Lance thought he could climb down and tie a rope to the calf, then they could pull it up. He didn’t know the sides of the shaft were so unstable.”
“Is Denver okay?” Bryn couldn’t help but ask.
Nathan didn’t say anything at first, then he nodded his head. “I think so. He went down into the well to try and clear a path, so they could get to Lance, but their plan didn’t work. I think they’re digging another hole parallel to the well shaft. Once that’s complete, someone will go down to the same level as Lance and attempt to dig across. They’ll have to stabilize the ground and rocks with pipe and timbers. It’s going to take a while.”
As Nathan pulled the ATV underneath a nearby tree, Bryn hopped out, her eyes scanning the crowd, looking for Denver. To her dismay, she didn’t see him, but she did spot Tricia standing with a woman she thought might be Lance’s sister. Hurrying to where the women were watching the tense scene unfold, she touched her boss on the shoulder. “What’s going on?”
“Oh, Bryn, you came!” Tricia hugged Bryn hard. “You know Skye, Lance’s sister, don’t you?”
“Hello.” Bryn nodded at the beautiful woman. “Tricia told me about the new baby you’re adopting. Congratulations! I’ve never heard a more beautiful name than Blue Dawn.”
“Thank you. Everything isn’t ironed out on the adoption, but we have high hopes,” Skye said with conviction.
Bryn didn’t say anything about her past. She certainly hoped this adoption went better than her own. “Is there anything I can do?”
“No, I don’t think so, other than stay with me and pray.” She tucked her arm in Bryn’s. “Skye, Bryn is the girl who’s dating Denver Bolden.”
Bryn started to contradict Tricia, but she didn’t. Now, wasn’t the time. The safety of everyone involved was so much more important than a disagreement between two people who had every reason to be friends. And when this was over, she’d make sure Denver knew how she felt.
“How nice,” Skye remarked, giving Bryn a weak smile, “Denver is a good man. Lance thinks very highly of him.”
“Has anyone talked to Lance?” Bryn asked Tricia.
“Aron told us that they did talk to him earlier, before the last rock shift. He was on a limestone ledge about fifty feet from the surface.” She laughed and wiped her nose. “Lance said the calf was alive and well, and anxious to get back to his mother.”
“Lance has such a tender heart, I’m not surprised he went down after the little bull,” Skye said as she hugged herself tightly.
“He sent a message to me, Bryn. He told Aron to tell me he loved me.”
Bryn hugged Tricia as she broke down. “He’ll be all right. I promise.” At that moment, Bryn decided to do everything within her power to make sure her words came true.
Over the next hour, the rescue team worked frantically. Noah McCoy, Skye’s husband, tried to reassure the women that this part of the country was riddled with caves and there very well could be some protection or shelter from the falling rocks and earth where Lance was located.
As the three women waited impatiently, Skye pointed out people who’d come to help. “The man on the horse pulling the pipe is Noah’s first cousin, Tennessee. Their place is up near Burnet. He’s a tracker, experienced in search and rescue. He brought two men with him who are trackers also. Bowie Travis Malone is the guy in the leather vest, and Tanner Barron has already been lowered down into the second shaft. Tanner is married to the country singer, Desiree Holt, I’m sure you’ve heard of her.”
“Oh, yes. I’ve just recently heard her music,” Bryn said. “She’s very talented.”
“How did you miss her all these years?” Skye asked, glad to think about something else, if only for a moment.
“Well, I was raised in a Catholic orphanage and I…uh…worked there after I graduated. We weren’t allowed to listen to secular music.” There, that was the truth – for the most part. “Did Tanner go down alone?” Bryn just thought to ask.
“No,” Tricia said softly, “Denver went with him. They were both wearing oxygen tanks and head lamps from what I could see.”
“Why did Denver go? He’s no expert,” Bryn worried aloud.
“He insisted,” Skye said simply.
He insisted. Bryn closed her eyes and offered up a prayer for his safety, as well as one for Lance.
The roar of the machinery was loud and every time one of the men yelled for something, Bryn jumped, thinking the worst. The next half hour was agonizing. Bryn sat with Tricia and Skye on the ground, their legs drawn up, their arms wrapped around their knees. Finally, unable to be still a second longer, she told Tricia that she needed to stretch her legs. “I’ll be right back. Okay?”
“Okay,” Tricia answered absently, her mind completely focused on what was transpiring in front of her. “I see Cady, Joseph’s wife has arrived. Would you tell her I’d like to speak to her, please?”
“Okay. I will,” Bryn promised. First, she needed to find out what was going on. If Denver was still deep in the newly dug shaft with Tanner, was he okay? Were they about to break through? Edging nearer to the well, with her heart hammering in her chest, she tried to listen to the men’s conversations and what she heard made Bryn’s blood run cold.
Canyon Brady, who was manning the winch, spoke in a low voice. “Step back, Tanner’s coming up, something’s wrong.”
When Tanner surfaced, he pulled off his mask and wiped his face. “There’s a large limestone rock blocking the way. Unfortunately, I’m afraid it’s unstable, any pressure we put on it could make it fall. Denver tried to tunnel around it, but it shifted and now he’s in as much danger as Lance. I don’t know if we’re going to be able to save them both.”
Almost paralyzed with terror, Bryn knew she had to do something. She couldn’t let Denver or Lance die, not if she could prevent it. Walking a distance away, she bowed her head and closed her eyes. With every fiber in her being, she willed the rock to be removed. To return to the dust from which it was formed.
As she felt power flow from above and out of her, she also felt a warm hand touch her shoulder.
When she whirled around, it was Cady McCoy. “Uh, Tricia, would like to see you.”
“I’ll go to her, but first…I think we need to talk, Bryn Harmon.”
…Down in the tunnel, Denver was almost out of air. Futilely, he searched for another way. Another opening. How often had he wished himself dead? How often had he wished he could change places with Louis? His second request would never come true, but now that the first one might, Denver realized he didn’t want to die this way. He didn’t want Lance to die. God, he needed another chance to apologize to Bryn.
As he stared into the blackness, a strange thing happened…the dark shaft around him filled with a cobalt blue glow. For a moment, he thought something had exploded. He kept waiting to feel a blast of agonizing heat. But none came. All around him, the air seemed to pulse with energy and Denver had to shut his eyes as the light became unbearably bright. Then…when he opened his eyes, he couldn’t believe them.
The large stone blocking his way was gone and an open path lay before him.
He touched the walls around him and they seemed smooth and solid.
He pulled the oxygen mask from his face and shouted. “Lance! Can you hear me?”
“Denver? Over here!”
“Hold on! I’m on my way!”
…Up top, Tanner and Canyon watched in disbelief. “What in the hell was that?” Canyon asked in a whispered tone.
“I don’t know,” Tanner whispered. “In all my days, I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Soon, a joyous shout filled the air. “We’ve got him!”
The cry propelled the women to their feet. Tricia couldn’t be still, she began pushing her way to the front. “Lance! Lance!”
Skye was right behind her. “Is he okay?”
Jacob and Aron held them back until Tanner, Bowie, and Joseph could pull Lance to the surface. He was slumped over a harness, but his arms were full of bawling baby bull. “Lance!”
Bryn pushed her way through the crowd until she saw Canyon help Denver from the shaft after Lance. To her immense relief, he appeared to be okay. His face was covered in dirt, but he looked perfect to her.
Any other time, the bright sun would’ve blinded Denver. Especially after being in the bowels of the earth, but the bright orb overhead seemed pale compared to the blue light he’d just encountered, a light that had melted the huge boulder into nothingness before his eyes. He had no explanation to what he saw, but he was thankful that he and Lance were alive. A tingle of awareness made him shiver and his eyes scanned the crowd…looking for…
As his gaze landed on Bryn, Denver let out a huge breath of relief. “You’re here.”
When he held out his hand, Bryn went to him, melting into his embrace as if she’d never left. “I’m so thankful you’re safe.”
“Me too.” He held her tightly. “Thanks for being here.”
“I couldn’t stay away. Are you all right?” She ran her hands gently over his chest and shoulders. When he winced, she winced too. “You’re hurt.”
“No, I’m not. Just some scrapes and scratches.” He looked deep into her eyes. “When I was down there, afraid I might not make it out, I thought of you.”
“I was thinking of you too.” She glanced around as the crowd dissipated. “Let’s get you home and let me tend those cuts and bruises.”
“All right,” he said, loving the feel of her in his arms. “I think we need to talk.”
“You’re not the first person to say that to me tonight,” Bryn mused as they made their way through the grove of trees. Sometimes talking solved things, and sometimes it just raised more questions.
Denver refused to leave Tebow property until he was assured his horse had been tended to. “Yes, Jacob saw to your mount himself,” Nathan assured him as he drove them on the four-wheeler to Denver’s truck, parked in its usual place next to the ranch office. “This has been a wild day, Mr. Bolden.”
“Yea, I’m glad it’s just about over.” Denver climbed from the ATV and held out his hand to assist Bryn to her feet.
“Yea, all’s well that ends well, that’s what Libby always says.” Nathan gave them a jaunty wave as he took off to help someone else.
“I’m just glad you’re both safe,” Bryn repeated her thanksgiving, walking with her arm around Denver to give him her support.
“It was touch and go there for a while,” Denver mused, “until the weirdest thing happened.”
Anyone else would’ve asked what the weird thing was, but Bryn already knew. She very neatly changed the subject. “Once we make you comfortable, I’ll fix you something to eat.”
“Sounds good. How about your car?” he asked as they arrived at his truck.
“If you’re able to drive. I’ll follow you over,” Bryn suggested.
“Of course, I can,” he assured her. “As long as you don’t change your mind about coming home with me.”
“I won’t.” She threw caution to the wind and leaned up to kiss his cheek. “I’ll see you in a few moments.”
Bryn left Denver and returned to where she’d left her car. As she opened the door to climb inside, she turned, feeling like she was being watched. In the distance, she saw Cady McCoy and she paused, returning the woman’s stare. In those few moments, she felt again the acknowledgement she’d felt when they talked earlier. Like she’d been perceived. Like recognizing like. The short, mysterious conversation they’d shared came back to haunt her.
“I think we need to talk.”
“I’m sorry,” Bryn muttered. “I don’t have time.”
“Time is an illusion, is it not?” Cady took Bryn’s hand. “Just know this, Brianna. We are each here for a purpose. To be where we’re needed the most. To insure the well-being of those placed in our care.”
“I don’t understand,” Bryn said, her whole body tingling with frissons of excitement.
“You don’t need to understand.” Cady smiled. “You’re fulfilling the plan written for you before time began, walking the path laid out for your steps.”
“I have to go.” Bryn pulled away. “Thank you.”
“Yes, go, be with him. All your days have been leading you in this direction. All is well.”
Bryn shivered again. She planned on asking Tricia about the mysterious Cady when an opportunity arose. For now, Denver was safe, and she wanted nothing more than to make him comfortable and celebrate being alive.
…A short distance away, Denver headed his truck toward home. He was still shaken from the ordeal. He knew it wasn’t all his fault, Lance shouldn’t have gone down in the well, finding the calf was Denver’s responsibility. What if help hadn’t come? What if the oxygen would’ve run out? What if the stone… “Hell, what happened to that stone?”
He shrugged, knowing he could conceive of no possible explanation other than a miracle. He and Lance had been saved by something or someone. Just in time.
As he pulled in front of his trailer, he should’ve felt a sense of relief and peace. But he didn’t, he just felt the familiar guilt that always gnawed away at him. Why did he receive a miracle and Louis didn’t?
He didn’t have long to dwell on the painful question. Bryn drove in next to him and rushed from her car to his side. As if in slow motion, he watched her move. Time seemed to slow down, and he was able to appreciate how gorgeous she looked. Her smile was radiant and her body, though fully covered, was even more beautiful to him since he was privileged to know the perfection that lay beneath her clothes. Her hair was flowing behind her, not as red as before, the artificial color was fading to leave behind a rich, warm color that he wanted to hold against his cheek. “You made it quick.”
“I hurried.”
She took his arm and he leaned on her a bit, more for her sake than his. “Bryn…” He had so much to say, he didn’t know where to start.
“Don’t.” She wasn’t sure she was ready to hear what he had to say. “Let’s go in and I’ll have a look at you.” Holding out her hand, palm up, she gave him a pointed stare. “Give me your keys, we’ve got plenty of time to talk after you’re feeling better.”
Denver didn’t argue, he couldn’t deny that he looked forward to her attention. “All right, Miss Bossy.” He gave her his keys, placing one hand near the door post to lean on it while he waited. “I think I’ll feel better after a big glass of cold water and a warm shower.” Denver almost invited her to join him, but they still needed to work out what happened between them at their last intimate encounter.
Bryn stepped through the door and held it open for him to walk through. “Water first and after you shower, I’ll doctor you.””
Denver trailed behind her. “I place myself into your capable hands.”
His acquiescence sent a quiver down Bryn’s back. “Sit here.” She patted one of his plastic covered kitchen chairs. “Where’s your first-aid kit?” she asked as she filled a large glass of water from the tap, adding a few ice cubes from the icemaker inside the freezer compartment of his fridge.
“Under the sink,” he answered as he accepted the glass and drank deeply. Once he finished, he gave her a wink. “I don’t suppose you’d join me in the shower?”
She blushed. “I’ll wait for you here.”
“All right. Be back shortly, then we’ll play doctor.”
While he was gone, Bryn sat at the table and shook like an aspen leaf. She was so glad he was safe. When he returned, she was surprised to see him fully dressed again. “You’ll have to take your shirt off,” Bryn spoke, forcing her words to come out e
After taking another sip of water from the glass she’d refilled, he began unbuttoning his shirt. When she turned around to face him, he wondered if she could read what he was thinking in his eyes. He well remembered her lips on his naked chest. He wondered if she did too. “Yes, ma’am. How do you want me?”
Any way I can get you came to mind. “Turn sideways. I’ll do your back first.” Her hands shook as she took what she needed from the white plastic box. “You scraped yourself hard in a few places. You’re bleeding.” As she cleaned the wounds with antiseptic, he hissed. “Sorry.” Bryn felt tears form in her eyes as she doctored the angry, raw places. “You were lucky, you both were. If something would’ve happened…”
“It didn’t,” Denver said quickly. “And I don’t think it was luck, to tell you the truth.”
“Maybe your and Lance’s rescue was meant to be.” As she soothed healing lotion on his back, Bryn remembered what Cady told her about having a purpose.
“Maybe.” Whatever she was doing, it felt good. Denver closed his eyes, enjoying her touch. Several long moments of silence passed and then his eyes sprang open. Was that her lips he felt? Had she just kissed his back? “Bryn…”
“Turn around, let me see your front.” She licked her lips, hoping he hadn’t felt her kiss him. There was just no resisting, not after what almost happened. Denver obeyed, and she almost groaned aloud at the sight. Going to her knees, she began to clean the red welts where he’d banged his chest against the sharp surface of the rocks. “Your muscles are very attractive.”
Denver chuckled, making her miss her mark with the cotton gauze. “Do you think so?”
“I know so. I’ve been looking at pictures. Very few men look as good as you.”
“Thanks.” Denver cleared his throat. “I look like a mud fence compared to you, Miss Bryn. Your breasts were perfection.”
Bryn quivered at his compliment. “Thanks. You sure don’t look like a mud fence to me.” She lingered over soothing the lotion. Touching him was pure pleasure.
“I think that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Opposites attract,” he remarked dryly as his eyes feasted on how cute and sweet she looked on her knees at his feet. “God,” he moaned, realizing another reason why she could be in this very position.