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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!) Page 8

  “Jonah, I told the little lady you’d fix her up,” John Callan addressed his son.

  “What seems to be the problem, Dad?” Jonah moved into the tight circle with the other three, his eyes darting from Seren to Canyon.

  “Little Missy hurt her hands.”

  The truth slapped Canyon in the face like a ton of bricks. “Oh, for God’s sake,” Canyon spat out the words. “Par for the fuckin’ course. Let me see.”

  “Canyon, easy,” Jonah chided him quietly. “I know you’re concerned, but you’re scaring her.”

  “I’m not scaring her.” His eyes clashed with Seren’s. “Am I?”

  “No.” Not in the way he meant. “He’s not scaring me.” Yes, he could hurt her by his displeasure, but she knew Canyon well enough to be sure his temper never got the upper hand.

  Jonah looked between them in an assessing manner. “All right. I’ll get the first aid kit.” Before beginning to retrace his steps, Jonah glanced at his father. “You. Stay put. I need you.”

  John Callan beamed. “I know you do, Son.”

  “Now, let me see those hands.”

  Seren didn’t automatically obey Canyon’s brusque demand. “I’m all right.” She was embarrassed by the attention. “It’s nothing. It barely hurts now.”

  Canyon held out his hands, palm up. “Let me see.” He held her gaze, trying to read the myriad of emotions flitting across her face. “I apologize for my surliness. When you were nowhere to be seen, it scared me.”

  “Really?” His admission made her heart ache. “I’m sorry. The pain was so unexpected, I didn’t know how to react. My first instinct was to run and hide.”

  As John Callan looked on with concern, he waited for Seren to place her hands in his. When she did and he saw the angry redness and the raised blisters, Canyon swallowed a lump in his throat the size of a hickory nut. “Fuck, baby.” Glancing over his shoulder, he summoned his friend. “Hurry, Jonah!”

  “I’m coming. I’m coming.” Jonah hurried over and together they led Seren to the work table and while Canyon cleaned and dabbed healing ointment on the burns, Jonah found gauze and bandages to wrap her palms.

  “I’m sorry about this,” Seren apologized again. “I reacted without thinking.”

  “No need to apologize.” Canyon grimaced, knowing how his burn hurt. “Do you think she needs to go to the hospital?”

  Jonah studied the injuries with a practiced eye. “I don’t think so.” He glanced up at Seren. “Just don’t be so quick to put yourself at risk next time. Brady and I are old hat at playing with fire.”

  “I couldn’t let him be hurt,” Seren reiterated her deep conviction. “Keeping him safe is my job.” At Canyon’s expression of warning, Seren pressed her lips together, giving him an apologetic look. “I mean…” She was saved from coming up with an alternative thought by Jonah’s chuckle.

  “Canyon, if you don’t marry this woman, I will.” Jonah smiled as he bandaged Seren’s hands, completely oblivious to the stunned expression on his friend’s face. “All right. I think that’ll do.” The mechanic cut one last strip and taped it on. “Just take it easy. You’re going to be sore for a while. If you have any aloe vera gel, that might take some of the sting out.”

  “We’ll get some on the way home.” He turned to look at Jacob’s truck. “Maybe I might ought to take her back to the house. Can you finish the trailer hitch?”

  “Oh, yeah. Sure. No problem.” Jonah pointed to a chair in the shop. “Sit down, Dad. As soon as I finish we’ll go to the diner. How’s that sound?”

  “Fine.” John Callan headed for the chair. “Grub sounds mighty good.”

  Seren leaned near Canyon as he put the medical supplies back into the first aid kit. “I don’t want to leave. You need to work. I’ll be fine.” She didn’t want to do anything that would give him another reason to want her gone. “I can find something to occupy myself.” She glanced around. “I can clean up a bit. Please?”

  “No,” he argued. “You’re hurt.” After seeing her pleading expression, the big blacksmith raked his hand through his hair, and let out a long sigh. “Fine. We’ll stay. Just…light somewhere and be still.”

  “Okay.” She brightened and went to join Jonah’s dad. “So, you’re going out to eat at the diner. What’s your favorite thing to order?”

  Callan put a hand on his knee and pushed his hat back to see Seren better. “Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and sweet tea.”

  “Wow, that sounds good. How about dessert?”

  Jonah nudged Canyon after they’d finished the last little bit. “She’s good with him. My caretaker has been making noises about quitting. Do you think Seren would be interested in a job?”

  “No. No.” With a shake of his head, Canyon repeated his protest. “No.” Just thinking about the ramifications of not knowing her true identity and what she might say – the trouble she might get into – was enough to give him nightmares. “She won’t be here that long.”

  “Oh, she’s leaving?”

  Across the way, John was recounting his memory of the events in the movie Stagecoach. “There we were traveling through dangerous Apache territory…”

  Seren was listening, she didn’t mean to be rude, but her attention was split between the old gentleman’s ramblings and what Canyon was saying about her presence in his life.

  Canyon glanced over at Seren to find her watching him closely. Remembering her supersonic hearing, he weighed his words carefully. “I’m not really sure how long she’ll be here. The more I’m with her, the more I want her to stay – but she might not have a choice.”

  “I don’t know what that means, friend, but I hope it works out for you two. She’s seems sweet.” With a wave of his hand, he beckoned his father. “Hey, old man, are you ready to go?”

  Hearing his intentions, Canyon snapped his fingers. “Hey, Libby wants to talk to you before you go.” He stepped out of the shop. “She said she’d be down here to catch you – but I don’t see her anywhere.”

  “No worries.” Jonah held out his hand to shake Canyon’s. “I’ll stop by the Tebow main house and see what’s up.”

  “Good deal.” Canyon wiped his hands on a towel. “I’m just glad I remembered to tell you. Don’t want to make Libby unhappy.”

  Jonah laughed. “Lord no, when Libby is unhappy, Aron is unhappy – and that’s something we definitely want to keep from happening.”

  When it became evident that Jonah was about to load up to leave, Seren eased closer to John. “Could I have a hug, Mr. Wayne?”

  He beamed. “Shoot. I’d love a hug.” Standing, he embraced Seren. “You’ve brightened this old cowboy’s day, pretty girl.”

  “You made me feel better too.” She gave him a heartfelt smile. “I hope I’ll see you again.”

  “Count on it,” he promised as he ambled off to join his son.

  Seren’s eyes watched them leave, but her mind was on what she’d heard Canyon say. She felt like she was being tossed about on a restless sea. Nothing seemed steady. As she stood in a daze, hugging herself, Seren felt the skin on the back of her neck prickle. A shiver ran down her spine. As if drawn by an unseen string, she slowly turned to find Canyon standing behind her.

  Big. Intense. Eyes blazing. Face a mask she couldn’t read.

  “I need you to come with me.”

  His low voice was gravelly, sending frissons of anticipation dancing over her skin. “All right.” She would always come when he needed her.

  He stood still until she drew close, then he crooked his finger and said, “Follow me.”

  Seren obediently moved in behind him as he returned to his shop, entering the shed-like work space, then moving to an enclosed office area. Climbing the one step, she entered the small room and waited while he shut the door. “What’s wrong?” she asked, unable to hold back the question any longer.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as he reached out and hauled her body next to his, grabbing her bottom in his
big hands. “You have to ask me that after giving me the fuckin’ kiss of a lifetime, then putting yourself in danger – for me?” Without waiting for her response, he picked her up. “Put your legs around me. How do your hands feel?”

  “Almost fine,” she answered, feeling giddy with excitement and surprise, Seren did as he asked, wrapping her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck. Their eyes locked as their hearts synced. “What are we doing?”

  Canyon couldn’t deny the effect of her gaze on his cock. Seren might frustrate the hell out of him, but she turned him on like no other woman in the world. “What does it look like we’re doing?”

  “Are you planning on kissing me some more?” A shy smile curled up the corners of her lips.

  “I’m afraid I have to.” Despite a mountain of reservations, Canyon couldn’t resist grinning back at her. “I don’t seem to have a choice. Have you put a spell on me?”

  Seren bit her lower lip and gave him an indulgent glance. “No, I can’t do that.” She cupped his cheek. “You’re breathing heavily. Are you winded or just impatient with me?”

  Canyon felt his heart begin to thaw. “Oh, I’m impatient, all right, impatient to touch you. I may come out of my skin if I don’t get my mouth on yours again.” Without giving her a chance to respond, he placed her gently down on the desk. “Is this okay with you?”

  “Oh, please, yes,” she whispered. “You make me so happy.”

  Cradling her head, Canyon gripped her hair, the breathy little pants coming from her lips arousing him more by the second. “I aim to please.” Yea, he knew his flippant tone belied the roller coaster of emotions he was experiencing. Something about this girl just stripped away all of his self-control. As he lowered his head to hers, every muscle in his body tightened as his heart hammered in his chest.

  To his immense satisfaction, Seren welcomed him gladly as she parted both her lips and thighs to make room for him. Pure hot desire flowed down his spine at the silken touch of her mouth and the sweet taste of her kiss. He couldn’t quite identify the flavor, but he knew he’d crave it forever. As she pressed against him, her nipples hard enough for him to feel through the layers of their clothing, he thrilled at the blatant evidence of her need. “That’s it, baby,” he muttered between kisses as he wrapped her hair around his fist.

  “This is so good,” she moaned, laying a trail of soft kisses up the strong column of his throat, then nipping and licking her way toward his mouth.

  “God, yes.” His raspy words were full of amazement, for Seren held nothing back, she was with him every step of the way. “Don’t hurt your sweet hands,” he cautioned.

  “I’m not,” she assured him. At the moment, her hands were the last thing on her mind.

  Nodding and wanting more, Canyon pushed closer, notching his swollen cock to the soft place between her thighs. He wished there was nothing between them to stop him from sliding his aching dick deep inside of her. When he dipped his head to reclaim Seren’s mouth, the sweet taste of her made him groan. The kisses they shared melted on his tongue. Delving deep, he loved how her lips clung to his, her ankles crossing around his hips. He ate at her mouth over and over, relishing how she clung to him, pressing close.

  Lost in the moment, Canyon began kissing his way south – a caress of his lips to her cheek, a lick and a nip to her neck, a graze of his teeth to her collarbone. As he made himself at home on her delectable body, he could see a rosy glow begin to bloom on her skin, a testament to arousal. The heated flush followed everywhere he brushed her skin with a whisper of praise. “So beautiful, so soft, so sweet.”

  “Am I?” she asked softly, the disbelief evident in her voice.

  “Undeniably,” he whispered, entranced by the desire in her heavenly blue eyes. Caught up in a web of lust, Canyon was doing his damnedest to leave her breathless, only to find he was having trouble breathing himself. “Can I do this?” he asked, but didn’t wait for an answer before gently stroking the imprint of one swollen nipple peeking through the intriguing lace of the feminine top she wore.

  “Oh!” Seren jerked in surprise, gasping with pleasure, burying her face in his neck. This time it was her turn to grip his hair and the sharp tug sent tingles and shudders all over his body.

  “God, you’re so responsive,” the words came out of Canyon’s mouth in a coarse grind. He was just about to go in for seconds when someone banged on the door.


  “Dammit!” he whispered, patting Seren’s arms and thighs, as if to make sure she was all together. “That’s Jacob.” Taking her by the waist, he set her down on the floor. “Coming!”

  His use of the word made Seren giggle. She’d been around enough to know the double entendre. “No, I think that was me.”

  Canyon grinned at her, but said no more as Jacob just opened the door and came barreling in.

  “Hey, Brady…” The boss man paused, looking between them with surprise. Seeing the Tebow blacksmith with a woman was strange enough – to catch the stoic muscleman making out in his shop office was truly momentous. “Excuse me.” Jacob tipped his hat. “I didn’t know you were otherwise occupied.”

  “No, it’s all right.” Canyon held up his hand. “I’ve got plenty to do. I was just…distracted. Jacob, this is Seren. Seren, this is Jacob McCoy. She’s…visiting.”

  Seren felt her cheeks grow even warmer. Nodding to Jacob, she greeted him. “Hello. It’s so good to meet you. Don’t blame Canyon, all of this was my fault.”

  Jacob grinned. “Yea, I bet.”

  Embarrassed, Seren endeavored to make an escape. “I’ll let you two talk.” To Canyon, she added an aside, “I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

  Once she was gone, Jacob thumped the big blacksmith on the shoulder. “If you need her, huh? Doesn’t she know that would be all the time? Congratulations, man, you have found a true beauty.”

  Canyon knew Jacob loved his wife unconditionally, but the innocuous compliment still bothered him for some reason. “So, what can I do for you? Did you see your truck? Jonah returned it this morning and we put on the new trailer hitch.”

  “Yea, thanks. I saw the truck.” He ventured over to Canyon’s desk and backed up to it to sit down.

  The same desk where he’d just ravished Seren.

  Canyon shook his head to dispel the erotic image and tried to focus on Jacob. “What’s up?”

  “Well, there’s something I want to talk to you about.” At Canyon’s quizzical look, Jacob rubbed his forehead and just blurted out the words, “You powerlift, right?”

  With a chuckle, Canyon nodded. “Yea, but that’s sure not what I was expecting to hear coming out of your mouth. I thought you had a special job for me to do.”

  “Hell’s bell’s, this is special, Brady. The Bar X has challenged Tebow to a contest in a few weeks at Hardbodies. Four of our strongest against four of theirs. I want you on the team.”

  “Sounds doable.” Canyon usually liked to keep a low profile, but this appealed to him for some reason. “You’ll have to let me know the particulars.”

  “Oh, I will. I’m not worried about you. The rest of us are going to have to do a little refresher course. I used to be able to squat four hundred pounds. I’m not sure if I can do that anymore.”

  “You’re strong as a horse, McCoy.”

  “Not as strong as you.” Jacob pointed a finger at Canyon. “Anyway, thanks for agreeing. We’ll talk more about it in a day or two.”

  “Who else will be competing on our team?”

  “I’m not sure. Isaac is a maybe and so is Denver. You give it some thought and if you have any recommendations, let me know.”

  Thinking of Callan’s bulk, Canyon made a suggestion. “Jonah does a lot of work around here. Is his association close enough to be on the team?”

  “Hmmm, interesting,” Jacob mused. “Let me check with Bar X to see what guidelines they’re using.” He chuckled. “I bet they’re looking in every direction they can, no reason for us not to
do the same. And…like you say, Jonah is around here a lot. He has a contract to do all of our mechanical repairs. We consider him to be one of us.”

  After discussing a few more items, they made their way out of the office. Canyon’s eyes immediately searched the nearby surroundings for Seren. He’d fully expected her to be right outside the door in the shop, waiting for him. When he didn’t see her, he frowned. “Christ, where has she got to now?”

  Jacob laughed at the blacksmith’s expression. “Do you lose her often?”

  “Not often.” He grinned at his boss, not intending to go into any details about their situation.

  “I’d hold onto her if I were you.” Jacob gave what he considered to be sage advice as he moved toward the truck Jonah just finished repairing. “I think I’ll just move this baby back up to the main house.” When he neared the front cab, his eye caught something flying through the air. “Good grief, what a mess.”

  Canyon hurried forward in time to see empty plastic feed sacks flying through the air out of the back of a speeding truck. “Cruz,” he spoke the name of their newest ranch hand with resignation. “He’ll learn. Someday. Maybe.”

  “I’ve told him to tie those things up in a bundle for recycling.”

  “I know you have,” Canyon muttered, knowing how Jacob felt about environmental concerns.

  “He’s a good worker. A little hot-headed. Doesn’t think everything through. Just rushes into things. I wonder what it’s going to take to wake him up and make him settle down.”

  “I don’t know,” Canyon mused. “I just hope it’s sooner rather than later.”

  At least we have someone cleaning up after him.” Jacob pointed and chuckled. “There’s your girl.”

  When the dust settled, Canyon was perturbed to see Seren dashing around behind Cruz’s truck, picking up the sacks. “Damn, she shouldn’t be doing that. She burned her hands earlier. I told her to take it easy.”