Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!) Page 12
She gave him a sad smile. “In heavenly terms it does. God loves to use the weak to baffle the high and mighty. All of her prophecies, the edicts of the angels, came true. What she accomplished lived on, she turned the tide of the Hundred Year’s War.”
Canyon didn’t want Seren to know he knew very little about such things. Battles fought long ago didn’t affect his blacksmithing business too much. Thinking what she’d said about Matty, he thought to ask, “What’s Joan doing in heaven these days?”
“Oh, she rides into battle at Michael’s side now.”
“Battle? Who are they fighting?” Or did he want to know?
Seren shrugged. “The universe is a big place. There’s always conflict somewhere.”
“Good answer.” He moved a bit nearer to her, needing to feel her body next to his. “I’m glad you’re not riding into battle.”
“Hmmm, protecting you is all the adventure I can handle.” She goosed him playfully, then melted into his arms willingly when he pulled her close.
“What about our little adventure tonight? Will you be up for that?” he teased, laughing when she broke out of his embrace and sprinted across the yard.
“I will. Will you?”
“Hell, I’m up for it now.” That’s why he was having a hard time keeping up with her. Running with a baseball bat between his legs was never easy.
Canyon ran after her until she let him catch her. Frankly, she had no desire to ever escape his embrace.
The remainder of the day was more of the same – they laughed. They played. Even when others would come and go, they seemed to exist in their own private world. When time came for them to return home, Canyon was more than ready. He was just about to help Seren into the truck when Jacob hailed him from across the lane.
“Brady! Hold up!”
After taking a moment to open the door for Seren, he hurried over to meet his boss. “What’s up, McCoy?”
Jacob climbed down from his horse. “I just wanted to let you know I talked to the Bar X bunch and they’re all for including team members who aren’t full time ranch hands. Makes me wonder who they have in mind. Regardless, get ahold of Jonah and ask him if he’s interested in being on our team.”
“Will do.” Canyon was glad to hear Jacob’s news…but the night ahead with Seren was a great deal higher on his priority list at the moment.
“Great. Also, when you talk to him, find out what nights he’s free to get together with us. I know he has his dad to consider.”
Even as Jacob continued to speak, Canyon was backing toward his truck. “I’ll do that.”
Noticing the blacksmith’s actions, Jacob chuckled. “You in a hurry?”
Canyon had the good grace to look a bit sheepish. “That obvious, huh?” He glanced over his shoulder at Seren. “We have something, uh, planned.”
Taking his Stetson off his head, Jacob waved it in the air. “Well, by all means, take off. I need to get home to Jessie anyhow. Just let me know what Callan says.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll handle it,” Canyon assured him as he hurried to the truck. The smile on his face grew broader as he met Seren’s eyes. She was so beautiful. So sweet. So willing to be with him. He felt a moment of regret that he hadn’t planned something more romantic for the evening. Here he was, just rushing her home to take her to bed. Didn’t Seren deserve more? It had been so long since he’d concerned himself with such things, he rightly didn’t know how to start.
“Hurry up, Canyon. I’m ready to go home!”
Hearing Seren’s voice rise in anticipation made him smile. “Me too.” He joined her, giving her a kiss as he started the engine. “Just one stop and we’ll head to the house.”
“A stop? What for?” Seren frowned. “We have supper waiting.”
“You’ll see.” He gave her a wink and started off.
On the way, Seren couldn’t stop gazing at him. “Every time I look at you, you seem to get better looking.” Extending a hand, she rubbed his forearm. “So many muscles. I think you’re beautiful.”
Canyon felt himself blush. “Hey, I’m supposed to be the one complimenting you.”
Seren smiled mischievously, her blue eyes twinkling. “I don’t need pretty words. All I need is you.”
Good thing. Never one for fancy speeches, Canyon cleared his throat. “I’ve told you how beautiful you are several times.”
“You have,” Seren agreed with a satisfied sigh. “I remember.”
As they drove, Seren leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “I’m so happy. I had a wonderful time with you today.”
“I’ll see to it you have a better time tonight. I promise.” He gave her a heated glance before turning into a local department store. “Now, stay here. I’ll be right back.”
Seren started to open the truck door. “I want to come with you.”
“No.” He held up his hand. “Just wait. I’ll be right back.”
“What if something happens to you?” Concern clouded her blue eyes.
Canyon caressed her cheek. “I’ll be fine. Since my watcher has been benched, this big, fat baby bird has got to learn how to fly alone sometimes.” Seren frowned so sweetly Canyon had to laugh. “Just relax. I’m going after a surprise for you.”
And some condoms.
He had no idea if she could get pregnant but he wasn’t willing to risk it – for her sake. And for his. The idea of having another child scared him to death. He never wanted to love someone so much again that losing them would hurt the way Matty’s death devastated him.
“A surprise?” Her whole face lit up with happiness. “What kind of surprise?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see,” he told her, leaving her in the truck and hurrying into the store.
Meanwhile, Seren sat in the truck and tried to clue in on Canyon.
Sighing, she admitted to herself she’d completely lost the connection between them. How strange that the closer she felt to him, the farther apart they grew. This worried Seren. How would she protect him? Even now, she should be with him. Her hand sought out the door handle and she slipped from the truck to make her way into the store to find him. In her rush, Seren wasn’t paying attention and walked right behind a late model sedan as it was backing out of a parking spot. The impact was so unexpected, she didn’t even cry out when the driver hit the gas, knocking her to the pavement.
Inside the store, Canyon added a bouquet of roses to the box of chocolates in his cart. Turning to the left, he made for the health and pharmaceutical area to find a box of XL Trojans, ribbed for her pleasure.
Her pleasure.
Picking up the box of rubbers, he shivered, anticipating how he would take her to the heights of rapture. She was so sensitive to him, so responsive – the prospect of touching and kissing her to his heart’s content made him so hard he could barely walk. “Think, Brady, what else do you need?” He forced himself to concentrate. “Wine.” Champagne, maybe.
“Yea, good idea.” He smiled at the thought. “I bet she’s never tasted champagne.”
Hurrying to make the last purchase, he almost didn’t listen to the announcement coming over the store intercom. The speaker had to repeat himself twice before the message finally sunk in.
“Attention. Attention. Will Canyon Brady make his way to the front, please? The sheriff would like to speak to you.”
“What the fuck?” The sheriff? He froze for a moment, not having a clue what this could be about.
And then it hit him.
Something must be wrong with Seren.
Forgetting the champagne, Canyon ran to the front of the store pushing his shopping buggy like a battering ram. “Sorry, sorry, excuse me,” he apologized to a little old lady who had to jump out of his way.
Upon arriving at the entrance, he shoved his buggy and a credit card to a clerk he knew and ran out the door to where he could see a county squad car parked. “Seren! Seren!”<
br />
Leaning over the open rear passenger door, Kane Saucier whirled around to greet the big blacksmith. “Take it easy, Brady. She’s okay.”
She’s okay.
Pushing nearer, he saw a deputy squatting in front of Seren, applying a bandage to her arm. “What in the hell happened?”
“Don’t worry,” Seren spoke up, a bit of panic in her voice. “I’m fine.”
“She walked behind a car while it was backing out. Knocked her down. She’s just lucky it wasn’t worse.” The sheriff crossed his arms over his broad chest. “The driver didn’t see her. I asked Miss Seren where she was going in such a hurry and she told me she was heading inside to check on you.”
“Let me see.” Canyon used his considerable bulk to dislodge the deputy from his position near Seren just as the young man applied the last bit of tape to the gauze covering a scrape on the underside of her forearm. Blood was seeping through the bandage. “God, you’re hurt, angel.”
“I’m not hurt.” She gave him a weak smile. “It was my fault. I wasn’t paying sufficient attention to my surroundings.”
“Could I talk to you a minute, Brady?” Kane stepped away from his squad car, expecting Canyon to follow.
Reluctant to leave Seren, he stroked her arm. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Seren nodded. “You know I heal fast. This is nothing. Are you all right?”
He grimaced. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know, I just imagined something happening to you and me not being there.”
Hearing the sheriff clear his throat, he pushed Seren’s hair over her shoulder. “I’ll be right back. Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?”
“No. I’m good,” she assured him, nodding toward the lawman. “Go see what he has to say. I’m ready to go home.”
“Okay, love.” He rose and went to see what the sheriff wanted. “Was the driver injured?”
“No, it was little old Miss Whitney. She was a bit shook up. One of my men drove her car home for her.” He pointed over his shoulder to Seren. “What’s up with the girl? When I asked her for some ID, she told me she didn’t have anything. No driver’s license, no credit card, no social security card. Nothing.”
Knowing the truth wouldn’t do anyone any good, Canyon lied to the sheriff with a straight face. “She lost her luggage on the trip.”
“She visiting you? Where’s she from?”
“Yes, she’s visiting me. Is Seren in some kind of trouble, Kane?”
The sheriff took off his hat. “No. No trouble. The situation just struck me as a little odd, that’s all.” He gestured back to his car, where the deputy was leaning in close to Seren with a big smile on his face. “If she doesn’t find her credentials, take her down to the DMV and get her license replaced. She’ll need some form of ID until she can replace the other stuff.”
“Will do.” He hadn’t thought about the questions that might arise from Seren having no form of identification. “Thanks for helping her.”
They returned in time to see Seren rise to her feet. Canyon didn’t give her time to sway, he swept her up in his arms and carried her to his truck. Once he had the door open, he placed her on the seat and buried his face in her neck. “You scared the life out of me.”
She clasped his head to her and kissed his cheek. “Now you know how you’ve made me feel a thousand times in the past.”
He didn’t respond to her comment. Instead, he framed her face and kissed her once – thoroughly. “Stay here. I have to go back to collect my things.” Taking one step away, he turned back to close the door. “I mean it. Stay put.”
“Yes, sir.” She gave him a weak smile, then grimaced as she moved her arm. “Hurry back.”
Hurry, he did. After signing the charge receipt, Canyon thanked the clerk, and carted the items to his truck. Thankfully, he could see Seren sitting where he’d left her. “Hey, how do you feel?” he asked as he placed the bags in the backseat floorboard.
“I’m okay,” she assured him with a small voice. “I’m sorry about all of this.”
“No need to be sorry. Although, we do need to discuss some things.” His mind was full of ways to keep her safe – none of which she would be very happy about. “Are you in pain?”
She bent her arm and frowned. “A little bit. Not much.” Seren gave him a tremulous smile. “I’m sure all the marks will be gone by the time we get home.”
“Now, tell me why you didn’t do as I asked and stay in the truck to wait for me.” His voice sounded gruff, but he wasn’t angry. Canyon rubbed his chest, wondering at the odd ache he found there.
“I realized I couldn’t sense you anymore, not like I used to. I kept imagining what might be happening when you were out of my sight.” She twisted a spiral curl of her hair around one finger. “I fear I have lost my usefulness.”
Canyon shook his head. “You make me happy. You make me smile.” He clasped her hand and brought it to his chest. “You make my heart beat a mile a minute.” When her eyes widened, he brought her fingertips to his lips. “I’d say those talents are as valuable as guarding and protecting.”
“You think so?” She didn’t appear to look convinced. “That’s not what I was created for.”
“I’m afraid I’d have to differ with you, Seren. I’d say those things are exactly what you were created for.” He gave her a heated look. “And the Lord did a mighty fine job, if you ask me.”
Not wanting to debate the issue, she glanced over the seat. “What’s my surprise?”
Canyon chuckled. “I have some things to give you before we make love. A few little gifts to make you feel special…” His voice faltered a bit. “So, you’ll know how much I think of you.”
“Really? Gifts? For me?”
The disbelief in her voice made Canyon feel like his chest was made of mush. “Sure. Men give gifts to the woman they want to be with.” By this time, they were pulling up in his driveway.
“Being with you is gift enough.” She grasped the door handle and gave him an engaging grin. “Last one to the bed is a rotten egg.”
Canyon couldn’t fault her enthusiasm. There were parts of him equally excited. But…she was injured. Climbing from his truck, he caught up with her. “Hold on, honey. I think we should wait one more day.”
As he spoke the words, she was mounting the steps to his front porch. Her back was turned to Canyon. When she heard him say they should wait to make love, her shoulders drooped. “Oh?”
When she faced him, Canyon could see the disappointment in her eyes. “Yea, I think it would be best.”
“I’m tired of taking it slow, Canyon. Why would we wait?” She spread her hands, the bandages on her arms plain as day.
“There.” He pointed at her injuries. “That’s why. I don’t want you to be in pain. I want you to enjoy our time together.”
“If that’s all...” She began ripping at the bandages. “I’m sure I’m nearly healed by now.”
“Hey. Wait.” Canyon moved to stop her, but she’d already torn away the gauze.
To Seren’s surprise, her wounds remained. She stared at the scraped, raw skin as if it didn’t belong to her. “Why, I expected this to be gone.”
Wincing, he reached for her arm. “See, you’re hurt.”
“Oh, no.” Seeing his skepticism, she grabbed his hand. “Right now, I’m not even noticing any pain. I have other things on my mind. We’re not going to let a little thing like this change our plans. Please.”
“Oh, honey.” Canyon’s whole body shaking with arousal. “I just want to do what’s right by you, that’s all.”
“This is right,” she told him. “I don’t know how long I have. I could disappear as quickly as I came.”
“Don’t say that.” How important she’d become to him in such a short amount of time. Every moment he spent with her, the harder it became to imagine a day without her in it.
Taking him by the arm, she waited while he unlocked the door. “I watched you build th
is log cabin with your own two hands.” As the door slowly swung open, she soaked in the atmosphere of his cozy home. “I know it wouldn’t mean anything, but I would love to know what it felt like for you to carry me over the threshold.”
“Come here.” If she wanted this small thing, he could certainly give it to her. Placing the sacks from the store inside the door, he opened his arms and swept her up into them. “Watch your injuries.”
“I will,” Seren whispered as she laid her head on his shoulder. Later, she’d worry about why her wounds hadn’t healed.
Holding her small body close to his, Canyon carried her over the threshold like a bride. Once they were inside, he shut the door. “Okay, if we’re going to do this, let’s do it right.”
“Yea, let’s do it right,” she agreed playfully.
Bending, he held her near to the floor. “Pick up those sacks and be careful of the one with tissue paper sticking out.”
“Okey-doke.” She did as he asked and giggled when he raised up and bounced her a tiny bit. “This is going to be so much fun.”
“I guarantee it.” Heading upstairs to the bedroom, he hoped to hell he could make good on his promise. This was her first time. Even with her bravado, Seren was beyond innocent. He fought back a niggling idea that he was taking advantage of her. Doing something wrong. How could loving her be wrong? Yet… “We’re going to take our time. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Seren kissed him on the cheek as she pushed his bedroom door open with her foot. “You won’t hurt me. I’m made of stern stuff.”
Lowering her slight weight to his bed, Canyon bent to brush a kiss near the red raw scraped area of her arm. “Yea, stern stuff.” His voice faltered a little. She was everything soft. Everything sweet. Delicate. And so determined to be his champion, it made his heart ache. What would life be like with someone so devoted by his side? His mind balked at the image. “Okay, before we go any farther, let’s see what’s in the bags.”
Her eyes rounded and shone with happiness. “Which one first?”